Thursday 8 September 2016

Rio Paralympics Opening Ceremony

After a superb Olympic Games, the wait for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games was finally over and what a superb way to open the games it was on a rainy Rio evening.

The ceremony began with the introduction of IPC president Sir Philip Craven travelling from Stoke Mandeville to Rio via a clever video feature. A rapturous countdown came to an end with a stunning ramp trick from Aaron Wheelz who back-flipped to the awe of the packed Maracana.

A tribute to the wheel with a samba circle opened the floor section of the ceremony before the tech-screened floor of the stadium transformed firstly into a pool and then a colourful and busy beach scene which awash with colour was a great spectacle. The Brazilian flag was carried into the Maracana and raised by a trio of firefighters while pianist Joao Carlos Martins played the national anthem.

Next up was the Athletes parade which featured a huge 159 countries and lasted well over an hour but with an added twist amongst the clever colours and dynamic designs of the outfits and accessories. The placards displaying the names of each country were puzzle pieces which were assembled in the centre of the floor as the parade went on. The pieces displayed the faces of each of the 4000+ Paralympians but what would  they combine to form?

The final piece was put in place with the floor lighting up to form a heart which pumped in time with the music and was joined by a huge array of fireworks to perfectly sum up the message of the games - 'The heart has no limits'

After the parade came the serious stuff as the president of the Rio Organizing Committee spoke but was subjected to a raucous chorus of boos when he thanked the Brazilian Government which currently is in a mire with an acting president in Michel Temer. After Phillip Craven's speech,he must have set a new record for declaring a games open as he simply did just that as the boos resumed.

The ceremony did end superbly though with dancing and music with the highlight being Amy Purdy's routine in which the American Snowboarder was accompanied by Kuka the Robot in a performance not to be missed.

Also not to be missed was the final procession of the Paralympic flame which saw a minor blip with a carrier falling in the heavy rain but with continuing amazingly before the final leg saw the flame stopped at a flight of stairs. The wheelchair based athlete came to a stop thinking he had hit a limit but the stairs transformed into a wheelchair ramp, enabling him to reach the Paralympic cauldron.

A great way to start what should be an amazing and exciting 11 days of competition and hopefully Paralympics GB can reach the target of 121 medals (one better than London 2012) and go even further!

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