Monday 24 February 2014

Sochi Closing Ceremony

The ceremony began with a montage of some of the successes of the game alongside a countdown to what would be a ceremony to remember. Fireworks light up the sky as a forest of lights lit up the stadium. An array of birds flocked above water as a row boat appeared in the air but tied in well the the water effects.

A silvery sea of dancers arrived to create a lovely images below the boat and formed a Mexican wave in a figure 8 fashion to the tune of the 'A wonderful life' from the Hollywood classic film.

A superb routine continued with a brilliant forming of the Olympic rings with the fabled broken snowflake from the opening ceremony but ended with the full forming of the fifth ring to wide celebration.

The crowd greeted the entry of Vladimir Putin as the dancers parted and the Russian team entered carrying the national flag to what was a sort of victory parade as they topped the medal standings.

The flag finished at the stage and was raised to the tune of the Russian national anthem as the forest of lights mirrored the flag  to applause.

A large globe appeared on the stadium floor as a marching band entered the stadium and played very well and the flag bearers of all of the represented nations entered with golden girl Lizzy Yarnold carrying the flag for Team GB to the tune of 2Unlimited's classic 'No Limit'

The rest of the athletes paraded into the stadium which created a superb wave of colour and to the tune of Boney M - Gotta go Home and Daft Punk - One More Time as Blur - Song 2 got the parade jumping as the athletes paraded to their seats.

A victory ceremony for the cross country skiing took place for  the Ladies 3okm seeing a clean sweep for Norway with Kristin Stoermer Steira taking the bronze, Therese Johaug collecting the silver and the new Olympic champion Marit Bjoergen receiving gold and becoming the most successful female in Winter Games history.

The second ceremony was for the men's 50km mass start and another clean sweep but to the joy of the crowd, one for the host nation, Iilia Chernousov taking the bronze while Maxim Vylegzhanin collected the silver and the new Olympic champion Alexander Legkov received the gold.

A cast of characters entered to the tune of violinists performing the Polka as the stage was transformed into a Marc Chagall painting. Rachmaninoff concerto two was played wonderfully as an array of pianists and dancers graced the stage. A beautiful cast of ballet dancers performed to a wonderful classical piece as they gathered below a staggeringly light chandelier before departing the stage.

A giant library appeared and the children of the opening sequence went on a tour of the literary greats including Chekov and Dostoyevsky with a vortex of paper circling the stage. A circus entered the stage with a wide range of performers including unicyclists, acrobats and a 'big top' style tent formed in centre stage.

The stage looked wonderful with colour as the acrobats performed some very clever techniques as a flurry of fireworks lit up the stage as the tent disappeared from view, the stage went black and a montage of successes on the slopes played.

The stage lit up again as the Greek national anthem played with the rising of the Greek flag with the Olympic anthem following as the Olympic flag was lowered and exited the stage.

The handover of the flag took place between Russia and Korea and the anthem of the Korean Republic was played and a superb montage of Korea played to show what would await the world in 2018 in PyeongChang.

Back in the stadium, a wonderful show of light and dance from the Koreans outlined ' The Dream Program' ending in a 'See you in PyeongChang'.

Next up was the speech to thank the athletes, the organisers, the fans and volunteers that shaped the games and the Thomas Bach, IOC president thanked Russia for such an amazing 16 days thanked all of the volunteers and declared that the games were closed with a parting invitation to meet again in four years.

The children returned to be greeted by the Russian mascots  - Bear, Hare and Snow Leopard as a mirrored curtain departed and a flamed cauldron appeared with the trio of mascot and saw the Bear extinguish the flame.

The stage filled with dancers as the children reappeared in an airship as a sea of yellow filled the stadium and fireworks lit up the sky to the sound of Tchaikovsky in a wondeful way to bring the Sochi games to a close.

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