Saturday 8 February 2014

Sochi Opens For Competition

Last night saw the official opening of Sochi 2014 with the opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter Olympics.

The first highlight of the ceremony came as five snowflakes began to morph into Olympic rings but unfortunately the fifth failed to open leaving an incomplete symbol and an image to forget for the organisers.The parade of athletes began with a world map appearing on the stadium floor and opening up as the athletes began to enter with GB being led by flag bearer Jon Eley who will compete in his third Olympics.

The gap in countries representation stems from single athletes such as Nepal, Mexico and Pakistan to the biggest amount in the 230 from the USA and following the parade a colourful journey through  Russian history celebrating art, music and the political and social changes.

The finale saw tennis superstar and hometown girl Maria Sharapova carry the Olympic Flame into the stadium and it passed on to pole vault record holder Yelena Isinbayeva and onto Rodnina and Tretiak who lit the cauldron in the centre of the Olympic Park to the sound of Stravinsky's "Firebird Suite" as the curtain raiser for what should be a superb 16 days of competition.

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