Tuesday 27 February 2018

Pyeongchang 2018 Closing Ceremony

Pyeongchang 2018 began its goodbyes with a vibrant and colourful opening sequence featuring the five colours of the opening ceremony showcased by skiers and skaters.

The performances ended with the forming of the Olympic rings and a firework display before the dignitaries, IOC president and Korean President were introduced to the crowd. The national flag of Korea was paraded into the arena by young Korean students before the national anthem was sung.

Next up, a rock-style cover of Vivaldi's Four Seasons featuring Tron-style dancers ahead of a huge orchestra in centre stage who wowed the arena. A montage of event highlights played before the mass parade of flag-bearers with GB's representative being Big Air bronze medallist Billy Morgan.

Following this was the parade of athletes and unlike previous years, they were grouped in countries rather than a mixed parade. A superb display above the arena as lights lit up in the form of the games' mascot and a heart. The next section entitled 'The Journey of Life' saw a floral pattern embrace the arena floor centering around a Turtle which glowed in purple and gold.

A holographic Turtle journeyed through the land and sea in a stunningly graphic display before the final medal ceremonies of the games, the Women's 30km and Men's 50km Mass Start Classics. Gold for Norway's Marit Bjoergen as she extended her reign as the most decorated Winter Olympian, silver going to Krista Parmakoski (FIN) and bronze for Stina Nilsson (SWE).

The Men's 50km Mass Start (Classic) ceremony saw gold awarded to Iivo Niskanen (FIN) with silver going to Alexander Bolshunov (OAR) and  bronze collected by Andrey Larkov (OAR). The 'Movement of Time' followed with a trance-style dance routine. A ceremony to induct new members of the Athletes Committee saw two new electives while the volunteers were represented in stage and thanked for the contribution.

The entertainment portion continued with a performance from K-Pop sensation CL before the Greek and Olympic anthems with the latter sung superbly by a young singer who won the Korea version of The Voice.  Next up was the ceremony for the transferring of the Olympic flag from Pyeongchang to Beijing.

A stellar dance routine full of light and colour mixing in an awesome spectrum followed ahead of a central formation depicting the faces of the games and the Olympic Rings and a montage of the logos of Winter Olympics from the past led to a crescendo with a welcome from Beijing for the 2022 games counting up across the previous Winter Olympic host nations in excellent style.

The speeches followed from the President of the Pyeongchang 2018 organising committee and IOC President, Thomas Bach which ended with him presenting with fellow Athletes such as Martin Fourcade, Lindsey Vonn and topless Tongan athlete Pita Taufatofua, hearts to Korea as the games closed.

A stunning musical performance followed from EXO and the revealing of a large Snowglobe in the centre of the arena with clips of games events circling it. This led to a farewell to the Olympic flame which slowly extinguished while the arena centre displayed a large snowflake.

The celebration began led by DJ Raiden as Athletes joined in on the arena floor before Martin Garrix took over on the decks before a huge firework display closed what has been an amazing Winter Olympics which has seen new horizons. The blog now takes a short break until the start of the Paralympics which begin on March 9th. 

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