Friday 9 February 2018

Pyeongchang 2018 Opening Ceremony

A superb opening ceremony for the 23rd Winter Olympics saw a great show of unity between hosts South Korea and their neighbours to the North.

A montage featuring posters of previous games from the likes of Lillehammer '94, Nagano '98, Salt Lake City '02, Vancouver '10 and the most recent Sochi '14 opened the ceremony. The colours of the Olympic Rings were symbolised in Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth with a running theme of five children travelling through time with the opening feature including an array of colour and dancing culminating in a constellation of stars.

The parade of Athletes began with the tradition of Greece entering first with a great parade of the countries including Lizzy Yarnold carrying the flag for GB, the Russian athletes represented under the Olympic flag and Tongan flagbearer, cross-country skier Pita Taufatofua, entering the arena without wearing a top, despite sub-zero temperatures.

The athletes parade ended in style with the unified team of Korea as North and South combined with another highlight seeing an historic handshake between Kim Yo-jong, the influential sister of North Korea leader Kim Jong-un and Korea's president Moon Jae-in.

After the parade, an awesome feature saw snowboarders and skiers alight fireworks which resulted in the formation of the Olympic Rings by a total of 1,218 drones which set  Guinness World Record for drones used in a performance. The centerpiece of the ceremony was the lighting of the Olympic flame which saw the final torchbearer Yuna Kim, 2010 Ice Skating gold medallist alight the fame as 30 rings ascended towards a stunning white crescent cauldron.

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